SEO Best Practices Case Study

Case Study: SEO Best Practices and Strategy Implementation


Improvement in clicks by 532.09% and impressions by 1,059% in under a year


WayPoint Marketing Communication


Keyword research, content strategy and full-site SEO implementation


Sometimes it’s hard to be one’s own client. Such was the case when it came to our website. Our crew at WayPoint Marketing Communications had dedicated so much time and energy  on client strategies and activities that our own website sat on the backburner. And as a result, and not surprisingly, it became outdated. The features and content were no longer performing as internal marketing tools and we weren’t considering the latest SEO trends on any pages.  Yep, we weren’t practicing what we preach.

As a marketing communications agency in a saturated, competitive manufacturing industry, our team knew we needed to invest time into updating existing pages to be in-line with SEO guidelines. At the same time, we needed to create new content that showcases our strengths and expertise to differentiate us from competitors and support our growth goals.


Our first step was to outline all the existing content page-by-page, listing the following for each page:

  • Page specifics: Name, title and meta tags, and URL

  • Page purpose: What overall message do we want to convey?

  • Visitor intent: What information do our target audiences want to know and come to this page to learn about?

  • Current keyword list: What keywords was this page originally developed around? Is content on other pages also written for these keywords?

 Once those details were outlined for every page on the site, we could more clearly see where there was keyword overlap on pages and where keywords, content, purpose and visitor intents didn’t align with our overall communication goals.

From here, we knew where content needed to be reorganized and were able to prioritize tasks and pages based on the SEO guidelines we follow for clients. We conducted new keyword research, corrected page specifics and headlines based on the new keywords, and adjusted copy to make sure the content on each page was unique, purposeful and aligned with the page visitor’s intent.

After the existing website was updated, we cleared the site from the Google Search Console and requested a new index.

While we waited to see the fruits of those labors, we mapped out a content development strategy for the blog—prioritizing what content we wanted to rank for and what our target audiences were searching for. Then, we got to work and routinely generated content to keep drawing new traffic to the site. For each piece of content, we included the following elements:

  • URL slug

  • SEO title

  • SEO description

  • Keywords to include in headlines and copy

  • Headline 1, headline 2s, headline 3s

  • Body copy outline

  • Call-to-action

  • Related internal webpages to link to

The Results

After nearly a year of monitoring metrics on Google Analytics and Google Search Console while generating relevant and valuable content for audiences, the results prove that an SEO strategy—while taking a long time to feel the impact—is critical to a digital marketing strategy.

Our website experienced a 532.09% increase in clicks, 1,059% spike in impressions, and the site’s average position regulated more without peaks and valleys because it positioned higher more regularly.

SEO works to improve clicks and impressions

In addition to the improvements in clicks, awareness and position, our site now ranks for roughly 86% more non-branded keywords than it did when the process started. And, the mix of ranking keywords aligns with the intent of the search audience and where they sit within our sales and marketing funnel.

SEO Keyword Positioning Results

The website also saw an improvement in new and returning visitor traffic, average durations and engagement rate.

Final Thoughts

While SEO results vary between businesses, every digital marketing professional will tell you it’s best to start planning for SEO now. 

However, properly planning, running and evaluating major SEO activities requires advanced SEO knowledge and experience. If you’re unable to bring in a partner, you can also implement SEO in small efforts and still see impacts over time. Start small and eventually you will see the positive impact of your work. 



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